
Does The Apple iWatch Really Exist? What We Know So Far…

That’s the ominous question rolling around every tech geek’s tongue right now.

Apple has established themselves as innovators in both design and function. It seems this new “Tim Cook Apple era” is looking to make a significant mark by debuting a breakthrough product. And to do that, they’re willing to rip apart the foundations and rebuild a whole new Apple from the inside out. 

This new Apple era could begin with the debut of the iWatch.

The Secrecy

Secrecy is perhaps the only thing that won’t change in the Apple culture. For years, the company has never commented on rumours about potential products. They simply like to hold conferences and surprise everyone with what they’ve brought along their grab bag. It’s no different this time. But, there have been hints.


(Concept Design by Todd Hamilton)

From a broad comment by Cook about the Nike Fuelband and how “the wrist is interesting” to a maybe sign about an anonymous employee commenting on the iWatch and its existence, there’s barely a thread to hang on to. Then again, that’s part of the fun, isn’t it? 

Ever since Cook took over the head honcho seat, he hasn’t released a revolutionary product line with his name stamped on it. The iWatch could be his start.

The Non-Existent Features (For Now)

Concrete facts are hard to come by on the iWatch. (There’s even no guarantee it will be called that.) However, intense rumours are everywhere and some of them do make way for distinct speculation of what the device can possibly do.

The Look

Apple follower site,, posted a concept design of the device several months ago. And indeed, it shows the possibility of how sleek and utterly seductive this iWatch could possibly get.

On the flipside, swirling talk of Apple offering their device into two sizes (possibly for male and female) and display screens of 1.3 and 1.5 inches, also hint they could take the design to a totally different path. It’s possible they’ll prefer a more traditional watch look with a round face.

One thing’s for sure, with Apple’s design awareness; the iWatch could still look as good even if the concept images and designs are way off the mark.

Its Uses and Applications

Initial rumors ranged anywhere from the device featuring a full version of the iOS 8, to the device containing biosensors as well as mapping features. Just weeks ago, Apple announced the iOS 8 and one application seems the perfect fit for the iWatch: the HealthKit.


(Credit: Martin Hajek)

It is highly possible Apple will integrate the device with this health app and have it work as a notification sensor connected with the iPhone. Considering its possibly small screen, the functions could be limited. One popular theory was that it would measure a host of stuff like sugar, glucose, heart rate etc., but it’s unlikely it will.

Notifications and messages from your iPhone could be extended to the iWatch, as mentioned. It’s this multi-device collaboration that seems to be the emphasis for the device and with much of Apple’s upcoming items. It’s also plausible that Apple will allow third-party apps of sorts for the device.

The Competition

Apple might be the leader in the smartphone market and carry a solid grip on its followers, but it will face tough competition when they dip their toes on the smartwatch market. Samsung already announced their Galaxy Gear 2, Sony has their SmartWatch 2; and LG has their version in the G Watch.

The Release Date

Unlike previous devices like the iPhones, iPads and even Macbooks, the iWatch will be the first of its kind for the company so there’s no solid date we can peg it too, based on history.  (Of course, there’s also the possibility an iWatch might not exist at all!)

If it does exist, it is expected we’ll see it towards the end of the year, right before Thanksgiving or the Holidays. Since no announcements or hints of the iWatch were given at the last WWDC, if it’s around, then we might hear a snippet about it during the iPhone 6 launch some time in September or October this year.

Looks like we’re going to need to put on our patient hats on this one.

While waiting for the ball to drop on this iWatch business, hop on over to our site, The Dairy. You’ll find a ton of amazing customised iPhone cases so go and indulge while we wait for the truth.

It’s out there somewhere!

Cam :)